7 Virtues of soul & sakash - Eng
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7 Virtues of soul & sakash - Eng

In this post 7 virtues of soul and how to give sakash or current through these seven virtues is highlighted

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7 fundamental virtues (qualities) of soul


The soul inherited from God has seven inborn qualities. The soul is a Chaitanya Jyoti or conscious point of light with 8 powers and 7 qualities.


The seven qualities of the soul are purity, peace, love, happiness, bliss, power and knowledge. When we are situated in our spiritual form, then there is a special glow in the soul due to the aroma of the seven qualities of the soul, which often attracts any soul towards us like a magnet, as we are attracted to greenery. That is why Baba gives us the direction to live in the form of Roop Basant (spring), that is, to make one self-centered, to delight in the seven qualities of the soul and to give happiness to all the souls who come into contact with their direct deeds and qualities. So, let’s remember these qualities and bring them in our attitude, vision and act, that is, live with them.

1.  Knowledge :

The first quality of the soul among the seven qualities is Knowledge. First of all it needs spiritual knowledge which is also called true knowledge. First is the knowledge of the soul itself, second is the knowledge of God, the creator and third is the knowledge of creation. If the biggest ignorance is in human life, it is the body arrogance or body conscious due to which a kingdom of vices has been established today, as a result, sorrow, suffering, unrest, atrocities, corruption are everywhere. Knowledge means understanding, wisdom. Satya Gyan (True knowledge) is the light that causes destruction of darkness of ignorance. That is why it is called Knowledge is Light, which again gives Might.


In fact, knowledge is the source of all qualities and powers. In the physical world too, information is first obtained through knowledge, which then translates into understanding and experience. Through knowledge, we get unlimited opportunity to expand our intellect. Similarly, in the spiritual world also, through spiritual development of spiritual qualities and powers, the soul gets recognition of its nature and the highest goal of human life. Spiritual knowledge destroys human ego. They become egoless and humble, and mutual relations or relationships become sweet on the strong basis of love, affection and cooperation. Spiritual knowledge makes human life and family, business and social relations superior and trustworthy. The source of spiritual knowledge or true knowledge is only a Supreme soul referred as ocean of knowledge.

2.  Purity :

The second quality of the soul among the seven qualities is Purity. Becoming pure is the number one character. Purity is called mother of all values. Where there is a purification of thoughts, purification of behaviour, purification of emotions, the person feels good. He gets to experience peace and happiness there. Because that is where selfless love grows.


Purity does not mean Brahmcharya or celibacy simply because celibacy is considered to be pure only with reference to physical body. In fact, the true meaning is purity of mind, speech and action. We generally consider purity of body as purity. If a person's thinking is pure, then we call him a saint or a great soul. Thoughts are created by our mind. Therefore, if the thought is pure, then the words we speak, the actions we do will also be sacred, elevated and meaningful.


3. Love :

The third quality of the soul among the seven qualities is Love. Every human needs love and that too selfless. Selfless love flows when there is mutual understanding, pure feelings. It is said that the stone heart also melts with love. Love is the non-violent weapon with which you can win over anyone's heart. With two sweet words of love, you can get the person in front of you to work, you can know the things inside him, because where love is there, nothing is hidden by being familiar. This love is the key to the lock of luck itself. This is the master key with which you make the soul lucky no matter how so ever unfortunate

It is said "God is love" and love is a very powerful force.

Love is the natural nature of the soul. Unselfish love towards God and all souls (brothers) is called unconditional love. We love those who attract us or like us. When we forget this body and its religion, caste, varna (clan) and consider ourselves and others as a light point (soul), then we will see that all are alike and unique. A soul cannot hurt another soul without a body. When self realization is achieved, we join all living beings and consider the world as a family.

4. Peace :

The fourth quality of the soul among the seven qualities is Peace. Peace is a necklace of the soul, a swadharm (self-religion) of the soul. Peace is the king of all virtues. Where there is mutual understanding i.e. knowledge, pure feelings, love, there a person feels relaxed and comfortable, that is, there is peace. The more you live in peace, it is better. Only by remaining in peace can you remember God. The power of peace, that is, the power of silence is superior to science. The power of silence is the basis of science or vigyan. No matter how great the obstacle, it is easily eliminated by the power of peace, and all tasks are executed automatically.


Today every person is looking for peace in his life, but where do we get peace from? In fact, peace is a natural state of the soul. What would have happened if there was no burden on you, you had no questions, nor were there any vain thoughts in your mind? This is the stability of the mind where everything is clean and clear. This is true peace of mind. And to achieve this, we have to give right direction to our thinking. This is the training of the mind, which we practice through meditation or Raja Yoga.


5. Happiness :

The fifth quality of the soul among the seven qualities is happiness. Today man is looking for happiness in external physical means. Even when he gets the desired attainment, he feels momentary happiness like a mirage and then clouds of sorrow surround him. In the end, desperation and frustration fall in his hands. Today, if someone has health, there is no wealth, if he has wealth there is no health, so there is no happiness because both are necessary for joy or happiness. Great souls have said that happiness is not outside, but humans do not know the way to go inside. Four things are needed to achieve true happiness in life, without which only the imagination of happiness remains. 1) When watering life with spiritual knowledge 2) Letting the sacred feelings flourish in relationships. 3) The river of selfless love flows. 4) There is complete peace of mind.

If there is peace and love in one's life, it is said that he is happy. Of course, because happiness is nothing but an inner state of the soul (an internal state of mind) when it is physically, mentally and financially satisfied.


6. Bliss (Anand) :

The sixth quality of the soul among the seven qualities is Bliss. Where these five knowledge, purity, love, peace and happiness exist, there will be attainment of bliss –the highest status in life. The true form of the soul is the Sat-Chit-Anand swaroop. But today man has so much moved away from his bliss form that he is searching for it. The house where everyone is blissful is called heaven. The goal of human life is to experience bliss. Bliss is said to be superior and highest because there is no opposite word for this quality like sorrow with happiness, hatred with love etc. It is a state beyond happiness and sorrow. Therefore, Bliss has been considered super natural divine. This was the situation when we were in the golden age. In the state of Raja Yoga, the soul experiences unlimited bliss with his spiritual father, the Supreme Soul. To get a glimpse of bliss, we should surrender our wisdom to God and just connect with them.


7. Power (Shakti) :


Shakti is the seventh quality of the soul among the seven qualities. Where these six qualities knowledge, purity, love, peace, happiness, bliss exist, man can experience power in his life which is called as soul-power or self-confidence. In fact, these seven qualities are the true nature of the soul. These are not just virtues, they are conscious powers. Therefore the soul is called Chaitanya Shakti or Conscious energy. When human beings behave as an embodiment of these qualities, then the consciousness or energy of these qualities is manifested in its form. Today the soul is weakened in the power of these qualities and this is the reason that a person starts seeking them out but due to non-receipt of them from outside, the soul becomes a victim of weaknesses and in turn seven bad traits - lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego, laziness, envy, jealousy became active in life.


Just as the 5 sense organs and the 5 motor organs are powers of the physical body, similarly within the soul there are mainly three powers mind, intellect, sanskars and eight powers. Yoga is the source of these powers. Through the practice of Raja Yoga, we get these Ashtashaktis ( 8 Powers). They are as follows 1) Power to Tolerate 2) Power to accomodate 3) Power to discriminate 4) Power to Judge 5) Power to face 6) Power to cooperate 7) Power to withdraw 8) Power to pack up


Sakash ( healing ) to world through 7 virtues


Knowledge :  The indigo colour of knowledge from God, the ocean of knowledge fulfil my soul with this energy and these rays of knowledge further flows through my brain and eyes to the intellect and entire world making the whole world knowledgeable. Lakhs of souls are benefitted with Godly knowledge.


Purity :  The orange colour of purity from God, the ocean of purity fulfil my soul with this energy and these rays of purity further flows through my brain and eyes to the entire world making the water element and the whole world pure. These rays relieve all souls from impurities purifying their awareness, actions, vision & speech.


Love :  The green colour of love from God, the ocean of love fulfil my soul with this energy and these rays of love further flows through my brain and eyes to the entire world making the air element and the whole world loveful.  All souls are experiencing godly unconditional love. The cloud of enmity – opposition is dispersing from the world.


Peace :  The sky blue colour of peace from God, the ocean of peace fulfil my soul with this energy and these rays of peace further flows through my brain and eyes to the entire world making the sky element and the whole world peaceful.  The peacelessness of souls are being eradicated and they are experiencing supreme peace.


Joy :  The yellow colour of joy from God, the ocean of joy fulfil my soul with this energy and these rays of joy further flows through my brain and eyes to the entire world making the fire element and the whole world joyful.  All souls are experiencing supersensuous joy. All souls are rocking in the swing of godly joy.


Bliss :  The violet colour of bliss from God, the ocean of bliss fulfil my soul with this energy and these rays of bliss further flows through my brain and eyes to the entire world making my mind and the whole world blissful.  All souls are experiencing supreme bliss. Everyone is free from all fears, tensions, depression and discontentment.


Power :  The red colour of power from God, the ocean of power fulfil my soul with this energy and these rays of power further flows through my brain and eyes to the entire world making the earth element and the whole world powerful.  All souls are filled with eight powers. Fear and weakness of souls are being dispelled.





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Godly Knowledge Treasures : 7 Virtues of soul & sakash - Eng
7 Virtues of soul & sakash - Eng
In this post 7 virtues of soul and how to give sakash or current through these seven virtues is highlighted
Godly Knowledge Treasures
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