
24 points for becoming 24 carat complete - Eng

In this first post, I am sharing 24 points to become 24 carat complete in the completion year so that your efforts can be intensified

24 points for becoming 24 carat complete

Download pdf file - Eng   : 24 points for becoming 24 carat complete         

Website link :   Spiritual Messages - Hindi & Eng  

Audio link :     24 points for becoming 24 carat complete         

Main website link     : Godly Knowledge Treasures

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Godly Knowledge Treasures


1)       Effort must be essentially made to rectify Amritvela (Nector time 2.0 – 4.45 AM) This time should never be missed out and simultaneously attention must also be given to make it powerful and loveful .Godly version says “Children you only rectify your Amritvela then I will rectify everything of yours.

2)    Do maximum contemplation & churning over Baba’s Sakar and Avyakt murlis. Listening to murlis at centres provide special power along with extra support of the environment.

3)     Evening yoga (6.30 – 7.30 PM) must be done either alone or in gathering to give search light / current to souls of the world and nature.

4)     At night do at least 15-30 min yoga before sleep, if possible read full Sakar or Avyakt murlis or essence followed by giving chart to baba and then go for sleep after emerging elevated thoughts. This will help you in getting relieved from the burden of sinful karmas and your next day will begin with elevated thoughts.

5)    Do keep connection with the centre. Spare some time for doing yoga in Baba’s room. This will charge the battery of soul thus maintaining an elevated stage at work place.

6)   Both Baba and Maya are multi tasker and both are all mighty authority, one must not forget this and keep awareness against Maya every moment.

7)       Be alert against your target and responsibilities. Effort and study has to continue till end, one must pay attention against entry of even minor laziness and carelessness. Hence it’s always necessary to remain in zeal and enthusiasm.
8)      Keep more interest for essence in comparison to expansion. Soul point, Shivbaba point and Drama point. All expansions are merged in it.
9)       Highlight your virtues through actions rather than words.

10)   Attention must be paid to make mind, bodies and wealth all three worthwhile in service. If you are unable to do any of these give and take constant blessings to all by becoming merciful. This is an easy and powerful service which takes little time and lesser effort but yield greater results.

11)   Attention has to be given on all four subjects but as per present time focus must be on imbibing divine virtues because we have paid enough attention over other subjects and now the time has come to reveal self and father through our activity and face . This will actually reveal the study and the teacher. All virtues to be imbibed are included in purification of conduct, thought, words and diet.

12) Until we are able to make unlimited vision and atmik vision (soul conscious vision) till then understand that destination is at far off distance.

13)  One must now attain the stage of being ignorant of knowledge of desires in relation to vices and physical attraction. This is possible only if it stops coming even in our thoughts and dreams.

14) Do not become double faced personalities i.e varying internal and external behavior otherwise you will get stuck in the midstream. God like those who are truthful and clean hearted.

15)   Do elevated karmas or actions instantly and repeatedly think before doing bad karmas, if possible keep Bapdada in front and contemplate, you will get invisible help.

16)   In life maintaining balance in everything is important. This is the highest spiritual endeavor and clarity of intellect is the highest guide because balance brings stability in life, clarity moves us towards right direction and finally makes egoless and humble.

17)   The virtue of love and contentment is very essential since love for everyone is the foundation of a happy world and contentment is the foundation of all attainments. The one who has these two qualities is loved by everyone and remain satisfied with him thereby accumulating his account of blessings and charity.
18)   Solitary, maun (silence) and thought churning, these three practices will support you in attaining bodiless stage.

19)   Swadarshan chakra (Spin of self realization) or Panch swarup ( Five forms) and Traffic control practice must be done intermittently.This will make mind powerful followed by development of divine qualities. Do not lose your valuable time at looking others, narrating tales or waste talks. The valuable period of Sangam or confluence age is available only once. Keeping this in mind make your time worthwhile otherwise you will have to repent at the end.
20)   Arrogance has the capability to wipe your earnings in a moment and make you degrade from the position. If there is a quality of gratefulness, humility and feeling of trustee then there will be no place for ego. There is no denial for making race but do not to compete.
21)   Increase your chart of remembrance up to 4-8 hrs. For this you need not have to sit at one position but remembrance must continue whilst doing work because during the last moment this practice will help you in making unshakeable immovable stage and final moment service. Do include soul consciousness, angelic and seed form stage in yoga practice.

22)   One who does self checking and changes himself can only change his sanskars.

23) Do this practice of remembrance intermittently that I have to go home and return back to new world meaning awareness of Land of Liberation and Land of liberation-in-life. This will help in becoming detached and with unlimited disinterest.

24)   Finally, Manmanabhav (put your mind into me – the Supreme entity), None other than one Father, One power one faith. This is an elevated tapasya (penance). Those who bring this into practical and become ever ready through long time practice considering every moment as the last moment will pass the final paper of second appearing instantly and acquire front number.
******  Om shanti ******

BK Anil Kumar




१०८ शक्तिशाली स्वमान -108 shaktishali swaman- 108 Powerful self respect,1,१६२ स्वमान व आत्मा के ७ गुण,1,21 points for joining Brahmakumaris the Godly World University,1,3 word secret,1,३ बिंदु चित्र - सर्व का सार,1,४ ज्ञान पॉइंट्स संग्रह,1,5 forms practice / ५ स्वरुप अभ्यास,1,64 virtues,1,7 day course cum Godly message,1,7 virtues of soul,1,८४ आत्मिक स्मृति के रंग,1,८४ स्वमान की सीढी,1,Ask urself,1,Avyakt vani essence Oct 19 - Apr 20,1,Baba saved from major accident,1,Baba’s experience at other centre service,1,benefits & drill,1,Best Methods & deep points,1,Creator & Creation,1,Difference in Human & God Sayings,1,Education & Learnings,5,efforts & service - Brahma vani 1& 2,1,efforts & service - Brahma vani 3 & 4,1,efforts & service - Shiv vani 1& 2,1,efforts & service -Shiv vani 3 & 4,1,Efforts for completion year,1,Essence of knowledge -ज्ञान सार,1,fables & incidents,1,feelings,1,Final effort & special message (2024),1,Final moment - Service Scene & Stage,1,God's Sustenance under the canopy of his divine protection,1,Godly Invitation letter,1,Godly knowledge,22,Health Safety & Environment,1,Highest take off - ऊँची उड़ान,1,Inspirational stories,1,Knowledge churning & Murli essence,10,matrushakti salutation,1,Meditation,11,Om dhwani,1,Om form,1,Om sound,1,Personal experiences,10,Plant Trees Save Earth,1,Qns & Ans - प्रश्न- उत्तर जनरल,1,Qns & Ans - प्रश्न- उत्तर मुरलियों से,1,Queries & solutions,2,Rajyog - राजयोग,1,Real Satisfaction,1,Reincarnation of God - Who is God ?,1,Rosary of knowledge jewels & good thoughts,1,Sakash thru 7 virtues,1,Salvation to bodiless soul through baba’s bhog,1,Selected Sakar ( साकार) - Avyakt ( अव्यक्त ) murli - Essence ( सार ),1,Soul,1,soul world image,1,Spiritual pictures,6,Spiritual practices & disciplines,11,Spiritual programs & sacred places,1,Spiritual service & messages,4,stage self respect - ६४ गुण,1,Supreme soul & Nature,1,Tricolor secret,1,True Freedom,1,True Gita Sermonizer,1,True Knowledge justification,1,True Shivratri,1,Value ABC,1,Various Acts and Specialties of Supreme soul,1,Various loveful relations with God,1,Various stages forms of Yoga,1,Who is Gita God,1,World play सृष्टि खेल,1,अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस - राजयोग मेडिटेशन,1,अंतिम पुरुषार्थ व विशेष सन्देश (२०२४),1,अंतिम समय diamond points - सच्ची तपस्या - True Penance,1,अंतिम समय diamond points - सहजता - Naturalness,1,अंतिम समय इशारे,4,अंतिम समय : सेवा,1,अन्य सेंटर की सेवा पर बाबा के अनुभव,1,अन्य स्त्रोत द्वारा सर्वश्रेष्ठ विधियों एवं गुह्य पॉइंट्स,1,अव्यक्त मिलन मंथन - 30-11-18,1,अव्यक्त मिलन मंथन - 31-12-18,1,अव्यक्त मिलन मंथन 18-01-19,1,अष्ट शक्तियाँ ड्रिल - Eight powers drill,1,आत्मा,1,आत्मा के ७ गुण,1,आत्मा के ७ गुण व उनसे विभिन्न सम्बन्ध,1,ईश्वरीय ज्ञान खजाना प्रोजेक्ट,1,ओम - महत्व,1,ओम रूप,1,कलियुग- सतयुग अंतर,1,क्या आप जानते हैं ?,1,गीता का भगवान कौन,1,चार धाम ड्रिल,1,ज्ञान मार्ग में २१ वर्ष चलने का आधार,1,ज्ञान रत्न व शुभ संकल्पों की माला,1,तत्व,1,तिरंगा रहस्य,1,तिरंगा रहस्य - Tricolor secret,1,नज़ारे व स्थिति,1,परमधाम चित्र,1,परमपिता शिव परमात्मा प्रति आभार एवं स्वानुभव,1,परमात्म सम्बन्ध-धारणा-स्लोगन,1,परमात्मा के विभिन्न कर्तव्य व विशेषताएं,1,परमात्मा व प्रकृति - अंतर,1,परमात्मा से विभिन्न स्नेह सम्बन्ध,1,पुरुषार्थ व सेवा - Final moment - signals,4,पेड़ लगायें वसुंधरा बचाएं,1,बाबा के भोग द्वारा प्रेतात्मा को मुक्ति-अनुभव,1,बाबा ने बड़ा हादसा से बचाया-अनुभव,1,ब्रह्मा कुमारीज का संक्षिप्त परिचय,1,भाव,1,मनुष्य और भगवान उवाच - अंतर,1,मातृशक्ति नमन,1,मैं ब्रह्माकुमारीज संस्था से क्यों जुड़ा,1,योग की विभिन्न अवस्थायें,1,रंग व परमात्मा से सम्बन्ध,1,रचयिता और रचना,1,राजयोग - हठयोग अन्तर,1,राजयोग मेडिटेशन लघु कमेंटरी,1,लाभ व ड्रिल - Om significance,1,वर्तमान समस्यायें ( current problems ) - Thought churning,1,शिक्षाप्रद किस्से कहानी और घटनायें,1,सकारात्मक वर्णमाला,1,सच्ची संतुष्टता,1,सच्ची स्वतंत्रता,1,सच्चे परमात्म पिता द्वारा शिवरात्रि सन्देश,1,सत्य ज्ञान सिद्ध,1,समाप्ति वर्ष का पुरुषार्थ,1,सात गुणों द्वारा सकाश,1,स्थिति स्वमान,1,हस्त निर्मित लक्ष्मी नारायण चित्र,1,
Godly Knowledge Treasures : 24 points for becoming 24 carat complete - Eng
24 points for becoming 24 carat complete - Eng
In this first post, I am sharing 24 points to become 24 carat complete in the completion year so that your efforts can be intensified
Godly Knowledge Treasures
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